
COPE Intro Video (English)
COPE Families
800+ families across 5 of NYC’s boroughs comprise our amazing COVID-19 and Perinatal Experiences (COPE) cohort. Our families help us to understand how babies develop, grow and learn from their environments. The COPE Study Timeline infographic (left) provides an overview of what participation looks like for our families.

COPE Intro Video (Spanish)
Bringing Science Home
We have taken our assessments online! It is not easy to travel into our baby lab, so we are bringing the baby lab to you! We collect survey data, biomaterials, and test infant development – all from the convenience of your home.
Bio-collection kits are sent directly to your home, and infant testing sessions take place via Zoom (or other video platform) at infant ages 6 and 12 months. To learn more about remote biospecimens and testing protocols click here.

In-Person Visits
We will invite a small number of families to additionally come visit us in-person. These will be our families that are invited to complete infant EEG and/or MRI studies. Try as we might, these are complicated and advanced technologies and we are not able to bring those to you. If you have not been invited and want to learn more about these opportunities for your baby, do not hesitate to shoot our study team a note. To learn more about MRI click here.

What are the benefits?
Information from this study may benefit other people or children now or in the future.
In addition, participants in our studies are paid for their time and effort.
Keep on Growing!
We plan to follow our families over time into toddlerhood and in transitions into school. Much of our work tracks individual growth. This information is incredibly helpful. All children are on their own unique growth trajectory and we are working to understand those paths and how they vary from child to child. We hope you will stay involved as part of our COPE family for years to come!

While there is no formal commitment to remain involved in research and participants have the right to withdraw at any time, the goal of our project is to maintain contact with families in order to learn more about the experiences over time that contribute to different developmental outcomes. It is our mission to conduct reliable and representative research that can inform the community and lead to outcomes for children and families.

For our participating families:
Some of our participating families have shared the wish to donate their survey compensation. If you are similarly interested, click here for more information!