The COPE: COVID-19 and Perinatal Experiences Study aims to better understand the impact of the pandemic on parents and their young children, in order to identify the needs of families, inform our communities, and contribute to better outcomes in the future.
COPE is also part of an international research alliance focused on children around the world that are conceived, carried and born during this time, the COVID generation (COVGEN).
What is involved?
The COPE Study is a longitudinal research project, meaning it will take place over an extended period of time of at least one year. During this time, participants enrolled in the study will be asked to provide their consent to share different types of information with researchers. Participants are reimbursed for taking part in various activities related to collecting information for research purposes. In order to protect the health of our participants, these activities can be completed remotely and in person contact is not a requirement.
Remote research activities include virtual contact by phone or video, sharing of information, and collection of biospecimens. Examples of remote research activities include:
Answering online surveys based on personal experiences
Completing questionnaires or assessments by phone or video
Recording interactions between you and your child
Providing personal information; including medical history
Access to medical records data
Contacting healthcare providers
Collection of biological samples (e.g. nail clippings, hair strands, breast milk or other biospecimens)

What are the benefits?
Information from this study may benefit other people or children now or in the future.
In addition, participants in our studies are paid for their time and effort.

How do I learn more about how to enroll?
We are currently looking to enroll pregnant women and women who have recently given birth to take part in longitudinal research exploring the relationship between family experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and early childhood development.
We value your interest in our research and willingness to participate in this important project so that we can better understand the experiences of families during this novel pandemic. Complete the survey form by clicking below to be contacted by the research team.
For our participating families:
Some of our participating families have shared the wish to donate their survey compensation. If you are similarly interested, click here for more information!
Our Brand New Partner's Project​
We have a new and exciting opportunity for the partner's of the mothers in our study to partake in this incredible research! Please click the button below to learn more about the Partner's Project!
While there is no formal commitment to remain involved in research and participants have the right to withdraw at any time, the goal of our project is to maintain contact with families in order to learn more about the experiences over time that contribute to different developmental outcomes. It is our mission to conduct reliable and representative research that can inform the community and lead to outcomes for children and families.